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Re: 500 http tool to fix ldap issue


Based on the article it is an issue. Bu this was reported back in 4/15. It would have fixed in later SP or patches releases.


What is your BO version? Apply latest SP and try.

Re: Adding Header in Appended File


Hi Bhaskar,

                   Try this mapping for including both header and footer. You can add and remove lines of code to include the footer or remove it.


import java.io.FileInputStream;
import java.io.FileNotFoundException;
import java.io.FileOutputStream;
import java.io.InputStream;
import java.io.OutputStream;
import com.sap.aii.mapping.api.AbstractTransformation;
import com.sap.aii.mapping.api.StreamTransformationException;
import com.sap.aii.mapping.api.TransformationInput;
import com.sap.aii.mapping.api.TransformationOutput;
public class RemoveExtraElement  extends AbstractTransformation{  /**  * @param args  * @throws FileNotFoundException   * @throws StreamTransformationException   */  @Override  public void transform(TransformationInput arg0, TransformationOutput arg1)  throws StreamTransformationException {  // TODO Auto-generated method stub  execute(arg0.getInputPayload().getInputStream(),arg1.getOutputPayload().getOutputStream());  }    public void execute(InputStream in, OutputStream out) throws StreamTransformationException    {    try    {    StringBuilder s = new StringBuilder();       byte[] b=new byte[in.available()];       if(in.read(b) >= 0) {        s = new StringBuilder(s.toString()+new String(b));       }              String header="\"NOTACTIVE\",\"STUD_ID\",\"FNAME\",\"LNAME\",\"MI\",\"GENDER\",\"JP_ID\",\"JP_DESC\",\"JOB_TITLE\",\"ORG_ID\"!##!\n";       s= new StringBuilder(s.insert(0,header));       String footer="\nTB TA TC 2015/12/01 2015/12/31 3000";       s=s.append(footer);       System.out.println(s);       out.write(s.toString().getBytes("UTF-8"));       in.close();       out.close();    }        catch(Exception e)    {    e.printStackTrace();    throw new StreamTransformationException(e.getMessage());    }    }



Re: Integration of SAP with Salesforce

How to Identify which BEx Queries are associated with A-OLAP workspaces through Auditing




Is there any way to Identify which BEx Quereis are associated with A-OLAP workspaces through Auditing / Query Builder in Business Objects ?

Re: 500 http tool to fix ldap issue

Re: Two Production servers have same licence keys in BO 3.1 Edge


Hi Jawahar,


Two production servers are pointing to two different CMS databases


Production A has more crystal

Production B has more webi.




Number of copying routine for table LIPS is missing in Table TVCPL


Hi Gurus,

My apologies in advance for asking this question, I tried my level best to find the answer in SAP Community Network before posting this question and found out that this question was asked number of times but I couldn't get the proper answer or should I say I couldn't understand the steps to address this error.

I am new in SAP SD and practicing on IDES. In Consignment Issue process I am getting this error while creating the delivery. The error is ' Number of copying routine for table LIPS is missing in Table TVCPL' Message no. VL472.

I have no clue where should I look for the problem?


Any help is appreciated.



Sending via Email a workflow step attachment


Hi everyone,


I have a Workflow for approval, but for this approval, the user need to add an attachment (just text and no files) explaining the reason for this action. After that, I need to send an Email in which I need to include the text from this attachment.

I have being using different options to go make it but doesn’t work as I want.


I got the text using the FM /OSP/GET_WORKITEM_ATTACHMENT to get the text not in the format that I’d like but at list I got the text, but I have some problems about it because when I try to use a field in container to assign the type STRING, to be able to take the complete text, the system doesn’t allow me to use his type. So I have tu use SYST-ULINE to assign the text but it’s limited so the text is not complete.

And even if I use this field, when I I create a Email task and I pass this variable on the text, the text is trunked again.


Second option was …. I had to use a SOFM object but is to complex to get the key and don’t know how to send the text because I have to execute a method to get an screen whit the text that I want to send via Email.


The method used by the task is SelfItem-SendtaskDescription


I’d like to have a simple way and closest to the standard way to send the text written in to a workitem attachment.

Thanks for your cooperation.




J. Felipe Uribe

SAPUI5 page fails to consume Olingo v4 OData service.


I would like to create an Odata Service and then consume by SAPUI5 pages.

but after i created this odata servcie step by step accroding to below link, it seems this service can't be used by SAPUI5.

How to build an OData Service with Olingo V4



no data shown on the page. when i try to console.log(oModel); it throws exception:


resources/sap/ui/core/library-preload.json/sap/ui/model/odata/ODataAnnotations.js:6 Uncaught (in promise) ObjectxmlDoc: documentURL: ""activeElement: bodyanchors: HTMLCollection[0]applets: HTMLCollection[0]baseURI: nullbody: bodycharacterSet: "UTF-8"charset: "UTF-8"childElementCount: 1childNodes: NodeList[1]children: HTMLCollection[1]compatMode: "CSS1Compat"contentType: "application/xml"currentScript: nulldefaultCharset: undefineddefaultView: nulldesignMode: "off"dir: ""doctype: nulldocumentElement: htmldocumentURI: nulldomain: ""embeds: HTMLCollection[0]firstChild: htmlfirstElementChild: htmlfonts: FontFaceSetforms: HTMLCollection[0]head: nullhidden: trueimages: HTMLCollection[0]implementation: DOMImplementationinputEncoding: "UTF-8"lastChild: htmllastElementChild: htmllastModified: "12/07/2015 10:45:18"links: HTMLCollection[0]location: nulllocation: nullnextSibling: nullnodeName: "#document"nodeType: 9nodeValue: nullonabort: nullonautocomplete: nullonautocompleteerror: nullonbeforecopy: nullonbeforecut: nullonbeforepaste: nullonblur: nulloncancel: nulloncanplay: nulloncanplaythrough: nullonchange: nullonclick: nullonclose: nulloncontextmenu: nulloncopy: nulloncuechange: nulloncut: nullondblclick: nullondrag: nullondragend: nullondragenter: nullondragleave: nullondragover: nullondragstart: nullondrop: nullondurationchange: nullonemptied: nullonended: nullonerror: nullonfocus: nulloninput: nulloninvalid: nullonkeydown: nullonkeypress: nullonkeyup: nullonload: nullonloadeddata: nullonloadedmetadata: nullonloadstart: nullonmousedown: nullonmouseenter: nullonmouseleave: nullonmousemove: nullonmouseout: nullonmouseover: nullonmouseup: nullonmousewheel: nullonpaste: nullonpause: nullonplay: nullonplaying: nullonpointerlockchange: nullonpointerlockerror: nullonprogress: nullonratechange: nullonreadystatechange: nullonreset: nullonresize: nullonscroll: nullonsearch: nullonseeked: nullonseeking: nullonselect: nullonselectionchange: nullonselectstart: nullonshow: nullonstalled: nullonsubmit: nullonsuspend: nullontimeupdate: nullontoggle: nullonvolumechange: nullonwaiting: nullonwebkitfullscreenchange: nullonwebkitfullscreenerror: nullonwheel: nullorigin: "null"ownerDocument: nullparentElement: nullparentNode: nullplugins: HTMLCollection[0]pointerLockElement: nullpreferredStylesheetSet: nullpreviousSibling: nullreadyState: "interactive"referrer: ""rootElement: nullscripts: HTMLCollection[0]scrollingElement: bodyselectedStylesheetSet: nullstyleSheets: StyleSheetListtextContent: nulltitle: ""visibilityState: "hidden"webkitCurrentFullScreenElement: nullwebkitFullscreenElement: nullwebkitFullscreenEnabled: truewebkitHidden: truewebkitIsFullScreen: falsewebkitVisibilityState: "hidden"xmlEncoding: nullxmlStandalone: falsexmlVersion: "1.0"__proto__: XMLDocument__proto__: Object




when i try to create (Ogee) Odata model project the verify this odata service, it shows "invalid and missing schema".


here is the metadata

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>



When I test the page on the SAP MII Workbentch,sometimes the browser will prompt 404.


Hi all,

        When I test the page on the SAP MII Workbentch,sometimes the browser will prompt 404,but sometimes it is normal,in order test , i have to rename the file,and then perform it will not be reported in the wrong,i don't know are you have ever encountered such a problem,and I'm not sure it is a bug of the SAP MII Workbentch.    







     Best regards.


Re: Service Tax 0.5% SWACHH BHARAT CESS


Dear Rajesh


You can refer below two notes on implementation of Swachh Bharat Cess -


  1. 2133774 - Swachh Bharat Cess on Services vide Notification No. 21/2015, 22/2015
  2. 2133639 - Changes on Service Tax Union Budget 2015-16 - DDIC activities


Hope it helps.



Re: SAP FIORI Approve Leave Version 2 error


Thank you Matt for your response.

That is the exact behaviour we are facing too.



Avinash Bhide.

Re: EPIC-农行报文无法识别问题(中国银企直连本地化解决方案)


Hi, Yang

   查看notes2052800 上说农业银行不支持HTTP/HTTPS格式数据流,只支持Socket数据流,跟农行做银企直联,需要自己开发一个HTTP转Socket的程序,不知道这个有没有可以参考的代码或好用的中间件?

Re: How to display the selected menu text name in the input control ?


Hi Hemapriya,


If possible, can you post the solution and close the thread by marking correct answer. This will help people who have same requirement in future.

Thank you!


Sai Vellanki.

Re: Multiple ODATA Destination in HCP


Hi Dominic,


Can you check if AccountODATA is WebIDE enabled and below parameters are maintained:




Let us know if you are still facing the issue and provide the Destination Configuration snapshot to help you further.


Best Regards,

Ashish Sachdeva

Re: How to call Plug of window from a window in same component


Hello Rajan,

Regarding 'So i need to call Window B outbound plug from Window outbound plug A', do you want to say 'So i need to call Window B inbound plug from Window outbound plug A'?



There is a very good example in IC_AGENT->account identify. Even though there is some difference from your requirement, I believe it is the same logic:


Main component is 'crmcmp_bupident', main window is 'MainWindow'.

When this page is displayed, it has two parts: the upper part is search view 'ICCMP_BP_SEARCH/BuPaSearchB2B' (according to your BPident profile settings), the below part is 'ICCMP_BP_SEARCH/BuPaSelectCustomer'.

After search accounts, in the result list in the below part to select an entry, it will navigate to a 'ICCMP_BP_DETAIL/BuPaDetailB2B'.



If we display CRMCMP_BPIDENT in BSP_WD_CMPWB, go to runtime repository, check the 'ComponentUsages', we can see 'ComponentUsage BPResult', 'ComponentUsage BPSearch' and 'ComponentUsage BPDetail'.


Then if we check 'NavigationalLinks', we can see 'NavigationalLink detailB2B' whose source is 'Source BPResult.Result Outbound Plug detailB2B', and target is 'Target BPDetail.DetailW Inbound Plug detailB2B'.


If we select an entry from the result, we can see the outbound plug method CL_ICCMP_BP_RESULT->CALL_OUTBOUND_PLUG which calls 'CL_ICCMP_BP_RESULT_IMPL->OP_DETAILB2B'. Via this outbound plug and the 'NavigationalLinks', the ICCMP_BP_DETAIL.DetailW is navigated.



Even though the 'ICCMP_BP_DETAIL' is a different component in this example, it should be the same thing: I believe you can create the detail view in component 'ICCMP_BP_SEARCH' also and replace ComponentUsages 'ComponentUsage BPDetail' to the same component as  'ComponentUsage BPResult' (as 'ComponentUsage BPSearch').


Sorry I didn't make a real example, and above logics are just reference in order to make explanation. Hope it helpful.

Best Regards, Corrine

Re: SAP HCI XML to JSON Converter


Hi Krishneel


From the online help library below, it mentions that all XML elements/attributes are transformed to a JSON String. So I don't think you can configure the converter to handle integer values.

SAP HANA Cloud Integration (External)


An alternative would be to use a Groovy script after the converter to "clean" up those fields that are integer only. You can use the String class' replaceAll method to locate and replace those fields using Regex - sample usage below

String output = input.replaceAll("\"(\\d+)\"", "\$1");



Eng Swee




Re: Assign interval multiple value into characteristic


Dear Ravikumar,


Sorry for changing the status of this message. After check the value, the above solution indeed does not generate syntax error, but the calculation is not correct. System treat this syntax as calculation 6 minus 11 and the result is -5. What I need is to put value 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, and 11 as numeric value in characteristic tpreast.


Thank you,


Query Help ! Showed duplicate records




Below is the query that will showed duplicate records.

Can anyone please help to refined the query?


"DISTINCT" will not work, as document may include same item in different row. It will eliminate the correct records if apply "DISTINCT" to query.


SELECT T0.[DocDate], T0.[DocNum], T0.[CardName], T0.[CardCode], T1.[ItemCode], T1.[Quantity], T1.[Currency], T1.[PriceBefDi], T1.[LineTotal],T1.[TotalFrgn], T1.[StockPrice], T2.[AvgPrice], T3.[ItmsGrpNam], T2.[U_PROD_GROUP], T4.[Number], T0.[DocRate], T6.[DocNum] FROM ODLN T0  INNER JOIN DLN1 T1 ON T0.DocEntry = T1.DocEntry INNER JOIN OITM T2 ON T1.ItemCode = T2.ItemCode INNER JOIN OITB T3 ON T2.ItmsGrpCod = T3.ItmsGrpCod INNER JOIN OJDT T4 ON T0.TransId = T4.TransId JOIN INV1 T5 ON T1.DocEntry = T5.BaseEntry JOIN OINV T6 ON T5.DocEntry = T6.DocEntry



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