Channel: SCN: Message List
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Re: Display multiple images side-by-side


Hi Tom,


Here's what you need to do:


1) Insert a group on the Ticket # field


2) Move all data fields from the details to Group Header


3) Move the images to the Group Footer.


4) Suppress the details.



Re: DIRF 2016 - Report S_ALR_87012129 (J_1BLFDI)


Olá Bruno.


Estou com a mesma situação, conseguiu resolver esse problema?



Re: Universal header in blogs not available while creating a blog


Hi Arti, added to the known issues list.

Re: Variables in BEx Query only show key values


This issue has been addressed in Lumira 1.31 (ETA end of June).


However, please note that at the same time, it is mainly how the object is defined in the SAP BW Cube. In many cases it may not be a product defect, rather it may be how the object is defined. I'd recommenced testing in 1.31 and coming back to this thread if the issue is still there.



- Ludek

Senior Support Engineer Product Support

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Re: Validation SO/PO/ACTUAL before budget transfer


This our budget profile


and Project availability control : tolerance limits


Re: Question script logic/TMVL


HI Gerd,


The reason is simple TIMEID property is not correctly maintained in your TIME dimension. Has to be set as increasing string for the base meMyers of TIME. TMVL will sort base members using this property and perform shift using arguments.



Re: Parameterized webi report with Rest SDK 4.1 SP1


Hi Deepak,



GET   .../raylight/v1/documents/<docId>/parameters


to get the template for parameters and then fill in the values and PUT back to the same URL using the filled in template in the body of your post..


after that, you can view as html.


The workflows for different parameter types (context, prompt, hierarchical etc) are described in the documentation under "Refreshing a document"



EPMExecuteAPI - SaveAndRefreshWorksheetData doesnt work



I have input template (.XLSX) with formula =EPMExecuteAPI("SaveAndRefreshWorksheetData","Save").When I double click, it simply shows the formula and nothing happens. Does the input form need to be a XLXM or XLTM for EPMExecuteAPI to work. ?


In sheet options "Use as Data Input" is already checked.

I tried to save the file as XLSM with same results.

If i use the save data button on the EPM ribbon, data is saved successfully.

In developer tab, FPMXLClient is enabled in references.

If i connect to a different model in the same environment the formula works on that model.


Any ideas for this strange behavior.


BPC 10.0 SP22 NW





Re: Drill Down


IN general report refresh and after refresh event are different things In some cases report refresh happens without after refresh function triggered. Check yourself.



Man is a creature of habit - feedback after a week in Beta


After a week of checking the beta of the new SCN I still struggle with the navigation. As a member of the Strategic Advisory Board I saw and tested single features like the blogging already long time ago, but I had not seen all parts together.


While we started with theory from a high level view we later continued digging into the details of single features. Now I know how to post a blog, create a question, write direct messages, start a discussion in the coffee corner and even moderate blogs.

And even the fact that some features are still a bit buggy, I am confident that these issues get fixed, probably sooner than later. And a good portion is anyway not important enough for a show stopper.


But after this week of testing with quite a lot people the content in general and personally became more and more and allowed a sneak preview of how it will look like after a Go-Live and I am a bit worried now how I can manage my "workplace".



As I said already in the beginning, I struggle with navigation, between the single features as well within those features.


I see we have in general 3 places to click for navigation.


On top left the Community drop down, to switch between blogs and Question&Answers and the Archive (old SCN content).

3 separate areas compared to just one area in the current SCN where I can see blogs and discussions and even the old content from 2004 to 2012 in one space, and I can filter by the content category if I want.


On the right the avatar for people related navigation, for account settings, Notifications and followed activities (tags, people, touched content), and direct creation of questions, blogs and messages.


On the right of the content below the Avatar the Actions menu, which is content related and a bit different per content. From here I can jump into the content moderation. 2 different moderation tools for blogs and Q&As with quite a different appearance.


Wow, while I just wrote this, the navigation became much more structured and clearer to me, now. So to speak the same effect that I saw often when sitting over a problem and finally while explaining it to a colleague, I found the answer myself.


Okay, still one thing needs a fix: from Blog moderation I can't go back, the community menu on top left is missing.



Navigation within a page.


When I am in the blogs I see the blogs in descending order by creation date.

There is no option to filter, e.g. by tag to get only blogs that are created for a certain tag (lets compare the tag with a space in the current forum for now)

There is no option to change the sorting.

And blogs just remain at their creation date, which means I have to scroll, to scroll, to scroll... to find a blog that stuck for many days in a moderation queue.

And also comments on a blog do not push this blog again to the top, it just remains where it is and sinks into oblivion quickly.

Quite different to the current SCN.



When I am in Questions & Answers I have some more options, I can sort by Updated, Created, Hottest and Votes.

Something similar would be good for the blogs too.

Still by far not sufficient. Again a filter by tags is missing.

I added the s in tags on purpose, as I wish to filter by more than one tag and even would like to see it as OR selection to get content from all the selected tags, and my dream would be to include peoples ID to filter content with a certain participation.

I know that I can filter by clicking the tag at a displayed discussion, but how far shall I scroll to get one specific tag?

What is actually the algorithm of "hottest"? Is a question hot because of many replies? (might be 20 which are needed to find out how the question was meant) or by the number of views?

In addition is only the subject, the avatar and the user name visible, no preview on the question.  And a lot of wasted space, I see 6 questions in Q&A while I see 19 in current SCN content of a space using the same zoom factor (again happy scrolling)



Currently I have bookmarks in my browser to access directly the content page of the spaces that I moderate. I think I need something similar for the tags in future, still no idea for how many tags I need to create bookmarks compared to the 3 spaces today. Or I need to create something custom with Google Search to get a similar experience as today.



I am not at the end yet. The worst part is still ahead.



Today we have the communication stream which has all content that I track in communications which is the content of all spaces I moderate plus Support SCN and About SCN and the moderation space, and actually some specific persons. This is my operation center.

There is nothing comparable in the Beta.



Then we have an Activity stream, actually 2 in the current SCN: followed activities and all activities.

The followed activities has redundant content to my communication stream, but it has additional content which I only want to read if I time, e.g. the posts in the ABAP Development space and SD, QM, PP and the content of all people which I follow, almost 300.

This could be a pretty large stream, but Jive allows me to hide certain content. Example: I like to see what person A posts, but I don't want to see their answers from space XYZ.

This filter feature is not available in Beta Activity stream, contrary, in current SCN I see only the last update of a discussion while I see each update from a followed person indivdually in the stream of the Beta. (again happy scrolling)


While the new activity in beta has quite a good preview, I would love to skip this preview for the "social activities" (that's when someone follows something or voted it up. For sure I am interested to see that as I often found good content this way. But this takes to much room.

I also would like to select more than one filter at a time, e.g. display always blogs and Q&A, but no social activities and no profile changes. This would at least safe some clicks.


And if this page would auto update when new content is added it would be even better.



All in all is the new SCN a good place for people who occasional visit it to find an answer or post a question, but no fun for power users.

microsoft odbc microsoft access driver too many client tasks error in idt


microsoft odbc microsoft access driver too many client tasks  error in idt  when connecting/opening the connection.



pls esolve the issue

Re: Automatic Charge calculation for Letter of Credit and Cash Credit functionality is available in Standard SAP ECC6.0


Hi Grigoriy / Mridul,


Thanks!! for the help. Good to hear that SAP is providing LC functionality in EHP8. Great info!!




Re: Pre-requisitos sap 91 PL10


Bueno  lo que tengo planeado ya que esta en una prueba, es hacer caso omiso a las alertas, luego de la migracion ya que 91 pl10 si es soportado por RSP correr los mantenimientos y ver como resulta todo esto.


Julian no entendi, lo que haces es desinstalar todo, instalar la base de 91 luego migrar la base sin la DB  a 91 pl 10  y ya con el pl10 restaurar la base de datos y migrarla a 91 pl10? nunca e realizado el proceso que describes entonces no logro entender en que momento se migra solo sap y en que momento se migra la DB,


Gerardo podrias facilitarme esas insconsistencias que te dijo tu partner? seria de gran ayuda, actualmente mi partner solo ofrece actualización hasta el PL 10 ya que la localizacion esta soportada tambien hasta este PL... me dejas con la duda de migrar o no a 91 PL 10.

Re: Pre-requisitos sap 91 PL10


Es un proceso que yo realizo, cuando hago MIGRACIÓN de version para tener algo mas limpio.

  • Respaldo BD
  • Desinstalo aplicaciones del servidor (SAP COMPLETO)
  • OJO: Instalo la Aplicaciones BASE de la version a la que vas a migrar (SAP COMPLETO en tu caso 9.1 PL5)
  • Ejecuto UPGRADER (aquí es donde ya migras tu BD que tienes en 9.0) para actualizar tus BD a 9.1 PL10


***Lo que yo hago con desinstalar es que en ocasiones al UPGRADEAR directo, me he topado después de terminado el proceso con muchas inconsistencias con la APLICACION.


Lo que menciona GERARDO de brincarse directamente es valido también y su logras entender los pasos es lo mismo que te estoy describiendo a diferencia que haces una limpieza de aplicaciones igual.


En cualquiera de los dos casos siempre tienes que atender las advertencias; sobre todo la de tu intercalación de tu SQL.


NOTA: Cuando vayas a cambiar de version y sobre todo de PL siempre lee las notas de SAP para ver que mejoras y correcciones hay, es muy importante que solo MIGRES y UPGRADEES si lo necesitas.



Re: Pre-requisitos sap 91 PL10


Hola Julian.


Alcance a leer algo de la intercalación de SQL pero no entendí a que se refiere.


Si son varias notas las que debo atender vamos a ver como termina esta prueba y la opcion que mencionas Julian suena interesante.


Aun asi instalando la base 91 pl5 al restaurar la db 90 pl10 esta hace un upgrade a este 91 pl 5 no?



Ok I understtod thatyou want to fill the xref3 area during the valuation, you need a substitution for that.  you need to find a logic before you start for exmple


company code = * and t-code = FBB1


subsitute xref3 = *



or you can go through the account itself too.

Re: Pre-requisitos sap 91 PL10


No, el upgrade se va a realizar cuando corras el UPGRADE de PL10.


Te preguntaras que caso tiene instalar la base PL5 sino migra tu BD. Es algo que en mi experiencia lo hago debido a que es la instalacion BASE de la version. Sino hubiese otra PL despues de la 5, ejecutarias el UPGRADER de PL5, pero como tu quieres brincarte a una PL supieror y que si existe entonces corres el UPGRADER de esa PL y ahi es donde MIGRAS tu BD.


Tienes que tener en cuneta que en cualquier version hay INSTALADORES y UPGRADERS.


Lo de la INTERCALACION es un tema muy importante, ya que SAP recomienda usar SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS, si tu SQL no esta configurado de esa forma "YO EN LO PERSONAL"te recomiendo desisntales tu SQL y vuelvas a instalarlo con esta configuracion.


Existen métodos para cambiarlo con comandos, pero siempre me a gustado hacerlo todo en orden y de manera limpia, es por ello que lo hago desinstalando e instalar de nuevo.


En que influye esta intercalación, esto influye en el manejo de la BD por la aplicación SAP y en la creación de objetos y escritura en tu BD.

Re: FILE SYSTEM - successful and failed


The error was

destination directory error. [Permission denied]: [CrystalEnterprise.DiskUnmanaged

Re: FTZ set up

uttering the .srvlog contents on terminal


Hi All Gurus & Experts,


Greetings of the day !!


Can somebody please tell me why I am seeing below highlighted processes (in BOLD letters) ?


OS Version :


sybase@ubuntu-xenial:~/iq154/IQ-15_4/demo$ uname -a

Linux ubuntu-xenial 4.6.0-040600rc1-generic #201603261930 SMP Sat Mar 26 23:32:43 UTC 2016 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux


IQ Database version :


DBA> select @@version

Sybase IQ/ Linux64 - x86_64 - 2.6.9-67.0.4.ELsmp/64bit/2011-11-07 00:40:24


sybase@ubuntu-xenial:~/iq154/IQ-15_4/demo$ ps -fusybase


sybase   13985 13984  0 02:27 pts/9    00:00:00 -su

sybase   13988 13985  0 02:28 pts/9    00:00:00 bash

sybase   14943     1  0 02:46 pts/9    00:00:00 tail -1f /opt/sybase/iq154/IQ-15_4/logfiles/.0001.srvlog

sybase   14944     1  0 02:46 pts/9    00:00:00 tail -1f /opt/sybase/iq154/IQ-15_4/logfiles/.0001.stderr

sybase   15044     1  0 02:46 pts/9    00:00:00 tail -1f /opt/sybase/iq154/IQ-15_4/logfiles/ubuntu-xenial_iqdemo.0003.srvlog

sybase   15045     1  0 02:46 pts/9    00:00:00 tail -1f /opt/sybase/iq154/IQ-15_4/logfiles/ubuntu-xenial_iqdemo.0003.stderr

sybase   15074     1  3 02:46 ?        00:00:00 /opt/sybase/iq154/IQ-15_4/bin64/iqsrv15 @iqdemo.cfg iqdemo.db -ti 4400 -gn 25 -o /opt/sybase/iq154/IQ-15_4/logfiles/ubun

sybase   15207 13988  0 02:47 pts/9    00:00:00 ps -fusybase



It is uttering the .srvlog contents on terminal itself.


Actually I am facing this first time, not happened on CentOS linux.


Thanks & regards


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